We've postponed nuclear for +40 years, causing climate change to get further and further out of hands.
Thanks Greenpeace /s
We've postponed nuclear for +40 years, causing climate change to get further and further out of hands.
Thanks Greenpeace /s
Not really, not right now it isn't. If you want to cover baseload with wind and solar you'll need energy storage. We haven't got a solution that scales well, yet.
I don't want to defend the police here. It seems like they're more than capable of defending themselves against toddlers and innocent people sleeping in their homes.
What I will say though is on the efficiency of tasers. They're grrrreat, if you get skin contact with both electrodes, on the first try. But both prongs must hit, pierce the clothing, and get skin contact. Reloading the taser, or switching to the side arm, can take too long. There's a lot of myths about what will stop a taser, and I guess that some of the myths are affecting cops in their choice of force method.
But going for the gun on a disturbance call about a woman with a baby and the baby's grandmother? And shooting the baby? What, as the baby identified as an armed and dangerous fugitive?
Well, what do you expect when attaching a 500gram tip, and shoot it from a #70 bow (which I seriously doubt it is from the archer's stance)
But I guess selecting the right arrow shaft will be as easy as "sort by spine, ascending" and picking the top one.
Fra artiklen:
Hvad skal man gøre, hvis man ikke vil have andre til at se i ens beskeder?
- Så skal man ikke bruge sms. Det er en kommunikationsform, som ikke er krypteret. Så vores anbefaling er klart, at hvis man fortrolig information eller kommunikation, så skal man bruge andre kommunikationskanaler, siger teledirektøren.
Mig bekendt var den gamle kablede telefon, telegrafen eller folks post ikke krypterede. Hvornår er det blevet lovligt at undersøge indholdet af kommunikation hvis bare det er ukrypteret?
I grundlovens §72 finder vi vores ret til privatliv:
Boligen er ukrænkelig. Husundersøgelse, beslaglæggelse og undersøgelse af breve og andre papirer samt brud på post-, telegraf- og telefonhemmeligheden må, hvor ingen lov hjemler en særegen undtagelse, alene ske efter en retskendelse.
Desuden finder vi den her lille juvel i §77:
Enhver er berettiget til på tryk, i skrift og tale at offentliggøre sine tanker, dog under ansvar for domstolene. Censur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ingensinde påny indføres.
Så hvis jeg sender en enslydende SMS til 50 elever. SMS'erne indeholder et link, til en formular de skal udfylde, samt en opfordring til at åbne linket. Så kan man mene hvad man vil om min løsning, men vi kan vel blive enige om at SMS'erne ikke overtræder nogen lov. Alligevel mener både Digitaliseringsministeriet og Justitsministeriet, at der er lovhjemmel til at undersøge og censurere mine SMS'er?
Kun findes der forhåbentlig klogere og koldere hoved i dette community. Så kanske nogle vil fortælle mig hvad jeg har misforstået?
And it's not on me to find the burden of truth for you. That's a logical fallacy and a bad arguing tactic
FFS I wasn't trying to argue with you. Since you quoted some very specific numbers, I thought that you had done some recent research on the matter, and thus had an up to date knowledge of the current studies. In that case copy pasting said references from endnote should have taken 30 seconds and provided the community with a lot of valuable info.
I wasn't trying to get you to search for studies that would back up your claims, I thought you had them already.
Why does asking for citations equal arguing? Where did I even hint that I thought you were wrong? I very much tried to make my intentions clear, yet everyone still think that I'm some smuck smart-ass trying to win an argument ... an argument I wasn't even part of to begin with.
Thanks for clarifying. And if writing concise was an Olympic discipline, you'd be in the elite compared to me :)
if you don't expect yourself to give any sources to your claims [...]
Which claims have I made?
Some of the recent Cisco security flaws are just so brain-dead stupid you wonder if they have any internal quality control at all
At the super budget prices Cisco charges, do you really expect quality control to be included? You've got to buy a quality control subscription for that. /s
I justified asking for studies. At no point did I claim to have spent hours searching pubmed. How hard is that to comprehend?
Have you ever tried searching pubmed and vetting studies by reading abstracts? It's not like using google and clicking on the first result.
First off, searching for studies backing up some claims will always introduce confirmation bias. Secondly finding relevant studies, vetting the search results, by reading the abstracts, validating the scope of the study, deciphering the methods used, etc, will easily take the same number of hours as OP would spend in minutes to copy paste from their bibliography system.
Hvem kunne stoppe dem?
Sirius Patruljen! Alle 14 pax, samt Grønlands hjemmeværn, der ikke eksisterer.
Hvis rigsfællesskabet skal i krig med USA, så har Færøerne godt nok bare at stille med mandskab.
Seriøst, hvis USA vil tage Grønland, så kan vi vel ikke gøre mere end klage til FN, hvor Rusland eller Kina vil rejse en afstemning om fordømmelse af aggressionen, der prompte møder et veto fra USAs FN ambassadør... Som jeg gætter på bliver Alex Jones eller Caitlyn Jenner.
Det er sgu lidt lige som i folkeskolen, hvor der var det der barn, der skulle have været i et specialtilbud, men blev inkluderet 3 klassetrin under sine jævnaldrende. Minus på intellekt, men plus plus på råstyrke.
The artist obviously haven't used a chainsaw. That guy is about to get a face full of knocked backed chainsaw, let's hope the brake works.
Edit: I just noticed how his feet are positioned. WTF? both feet flat on the ground! Is he walking beneath the branch he's cutting? Gah!