My friend, I cannot tell you how much I relate to so much of what you've written here. Thank you for sharing, it makes me feel better, and I hope it does for you as well, and you know that you are not alone in feeling this way.
I really personally have always had a great deal of difficulty having male friends. I am a very complex person, a very intelligent person, a very witty person, a very creative person. I'm not interested in talking about shows where people punch each other, or who kicked the ball into a thing. I find it nearly impossible to have any kind of meaningful conversation with men.
To me, talking about where you had chicken wings, and what band you saw, and what Sherry said to Tina... It's beyond nauseating. It's existentially dreadful. I need to talk about thoughts, feelings, perspectives, viewpoints, philosophy, hobbies, passions, art, anything other than what happened today and what direction the wind is blowing.
The way I have started to finally solve this after years of sustained effort, is to accept within myself that I'm a lovely person, and people want to be around me, but it behooves me to be selective about the people I choose to spend time with.
Basically I had to find the internal confidence to realize that it's better to stay home and tinker with electronics and have a wonderful time, then to go out and be brought to an utter sense of ennui gossiping and braying and having overpriced pizza that was actually made frozen in a factory 2,000 mi away
I started to really push myself outside my comfort zone, join electronics hobbyist groups, 3D printing groups, walking groups, discussion groups, different groups that I'm not necessarily an expert in, but just to meet the kind of people who actually want to do things with their brains and their feelings, and not just incorporate liquid calories and pureed chicken tendies into their guts.