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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Luctia on 2024-01-23 10:34:47+00:00.
Hi everyone. I am looking for old episodes of the Dutch crime reporter show Peter R. de Vries: Misdaadverslaggever.
I have searched far and wide (TheTVDB, IMDB, just Googling, torrent websites), even emailed networks an production companies as well as his foundation, but no-one seems to have the episodes. The Dutch archive (Beeld & Geluid) also doesn't have them all, only about 20 of the 200+ that exist.
While I have been able to piece some info together which I have put on TheTVDB (but I'm still working on it), there are many gaps. At this point, I am most interested in "metadata", i.e. season numbers, their episodes with their titles, air dates etc. It seems most episodes are available on YouTube (which is, weirdly enough, also the tip I got from the companies I emailed), but these are, nearly always, without this information. I can view many episodes, but I don't know what I'm missing.
I'd be very happy if someone could provide me with some of this info!