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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Hemlock_Deci on 2024-01-21 17:33:29+00:00.
First of all, sorry if this is kind of a newbie-ish question.
Now, been looking on Google and so far I've only seen a bunch of options:
- Google cloud backups (up to 15GB free, with 100 or so being paid/subscription based)
- Cloud backup via jailbreak apps, which are not feasible for me
- Or a PC, HDD, SSD, or any physical storage media.
My idea for this is to use a PC I have, but I wanted to know if there's a better way, since this is pretty much my first time doing this sort of stuff, and Google mostly led me to somewhat older posts and websites, so things may have changed.
I also wanted to know: if I go by making a backup on PC/external storage, would there be a loss of quality on media files, and if so, is there a way to prevent or minimize it? Some of my files are FLAC audios, 4K images and the like, and I really want to keep them at the best quality possible.