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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/OldMcGroin on 2024-01-19 08:05:58+00:00.
Hi all. So I recently posted here looking for advice on a 20TB HDD for my first enclosure. I was advised that the Ultrastar drives were very reliable so I put in an order for one on because that is the store that seems to get mentioned here regularly as being very good to deal with. I'm in Ireland and don't mind the shipping time.
Woke up this morning to someone questioning why I would use a US store if I'm in Ireland and was told I could save a tonne of money if I shucked instead. The 20TB Ultrastar I had ordered cost €375 including shipping with FedEx.
So my question is, what would the European equivalent of be? I've looked on and the Ultrastar drives there are looking about €100 more expensive than the one I had ordered. Is shucking the process of removing the drive from an external hard drive (new to this)? If so, I'm not really seeing any 20TB drives cheaper than €375 and I'm not too confident of attempting that anyway.
Any advice is welcome!