The first site I ever used for getting e-books was's World Tracker Library. When the-eye went down and came back it looked like most of that section was gone, but just recently I discovered that there's still an enormous collection of links at However, actually trying to click on any of the links to download promptly results in me being blocked by one of my adblockers with the following message:
uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
Because of the following filter:
/jr.php?gz=$document Found in:
uBlock filters – Badware risks
Since it's an adblocker, though, I dunno how much of a risk there really is. I'd really like to be able to use these files as they're a lot more conveniently organized than the other sites I've been forced to use since the-eye originally died, but not at a risk to my computer.
Anna's archive is god tier for ebooks.
I used to download hard-to-find Windows ISOs from them but sadly they haven't reappeared last time I visited.
annas-archive is useful for looking for something in particular, but I don't like that there's no way to browse it.