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How about Pulse? Columbine? Texas Tech?
Wasn't the synagogue a pistol?
In any case, it's the most popular rifle in America, just by sheer rate it's going to be used more.
Most gun homicides are done with handguns. This is completely off topic, unless you think mass shooting victims are the only real victims or something.
Even if that was true, so fucking what?
I deny your fundamental assumptions here, that something should be banned because it can be used to cause a lot of damage.
Murder is illegal, it shouldn't matter the tool used.
The line is drawn somewhere. Civilians can't purchase automatic weapons or say, hand grenades. Do you think we should be able to?
@wintermute_oregon @zeppo The common line of argumentation I hear from the left on this is actually regarding tanks and RPGs. I get what he's trying to ask here.
@wintermute_oregon Oh. I thought for sure it was illegal to have a weaponized tank or an #RPG.
Yes we can actually. You just have to jump through a few hoops.