this post was submitted on 15 Jun 2024
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I just don't bother trying. Someone probably has a solution for the proprietary garbage inside the laptop that is undocumented. I could go in and monitor the registers that are being changed. I've only ever used it once, and I was there to blacklist the Mac address in my router's outbound filter because the worst hackers are corporate stalkerware pirates that limit my access to information and sell my data to those that wish to manipulate me in healthcare, insurance, banking, and politics.
The proprietary code is running on a microcontroller and there is no telling what else it is doing or connected to. It is present in the UEFI memory space. So naturally, I want to be able to monitor its native behavior at any time as well. I have logged an unknown Mac trying to dial out occasionally that is not the windows Mac, but I whitelist everything I wish to connect to via a 3rd party device I fully control. That level of ownership certainly is peak Linux.